How to get high rank in SSC CGL EXAM?

Aspirants of SSC CGL Exam generally dreams of getting prestigious departments such as finance, Income –Tax,  External Affairs, etc., where they get popularity and frequent promotions. Let us discuss some tips to score high on SSC CGL EXAM. Some join SSC Coaching in Hyderabad or elsewhere but scoring high is in your hands to make the best strategy to study based on the following tips:

To prepare for Reasoning Ability section a candidate should know that it needs analytical thinking to score. If you have excellent ability to think about any puzzle then you can definitely score high in this section. There is no need to acquire any numerical skills or learn any formulae to solve the questions rather it only needs how you judge the problem. Presence of mind is the key factor which will lead you to the high score.

Topics to focus are Analogy, Classification, Series problems, Ranking, Sitting Arrangements, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Statement and Conclusions, Directions, Blood Relations, Data sufficiency, Assumptions and Direction Sense Test. Questions from paper cutting and folding and mirror images are also asked.
  1. There are no exact formulas to solve the questions; all you need is patience with logical thinking. Therefore practice daily to acquire efficiency.
  2. Apply your common sense to solve the puzzles.
  3. Formulate your own ways to solve questions.
  4. To solve statement and assumptions, think like a mature person to get the obvious answers.
  5. Follow one Resource Book for reasoning and for reference you should buy any practice test series either online or offline.
Follow the above tips and strategies and you will surely score well in reasoning Section of SSC CGL Exam easily.
  1. English Language is scoring but difficult for some aspirants who are not good on this subject from their school times. In case you spend the consistent time you can score well in this section than other sections.
There is hardly any change made in the exam pattern and syllabus which makes it an ideal subject to score. Topics to focus on are:
  • Sentence Improvement
  • reading comprehension
  • Spotting Errors
  • Synonym/Antonym
  • one-word substitution
  • Idioms/Phrases
  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Fill in the blank

Tips to enhance language skills

  1. Work-hard to improve your Grammar as most of the questions are based on English Grammar.
  2. Practice reading a lot of articles and newspaper
  3. Make reading your Daily habit and understand the topic by seeking the meanings from the dictionary.
  4. Daily solve mock test papers and overcome your shortcomings.
  5. General Awareness is an important section of SSC CGL Exam. The syllabus is wide and paper also is very lengthy. Prepare well with time management ethics so that you can solve maximum questions in less time.
Answer confidently but think twice before marking. Make sure your answers are 100% correct or else you have to face the crunch of negative marking.

 Tips to prepare for GK for SSC CGL.

  1. Develop a habit to note down what is happening in the world around you.
  2. Solve previous year question papers to understand the important topics.
  3. Update yourself on daily news events and current affairs.
  4. Have the complete knowledge of all the subjects given below:
  • History
  • Geography
  • Polity
  • Economics
  • General Science
Note: One can score high in this section if you prepare well. You will be able to solve all the questions within 15 minutes in case you have prepared it thoroughly.
  1. Quantitative Ability section is weaved in a way to test the numerical ability of candidates. Mathematics Concepts learned up to 10th standard are asked in this paper.
One needs to attempt the questions with accuracy. The level of this section is from difficult to moderate.
Topics to focus are ratio and proportion, profit and loss, time, distance and work, average, allegation, elementary mensuration, algebra, trigonometry, geometry etc.

Tips to prepare for QA section:

  1. Practice all the topics of SSC CGL Syllabus.
  2. Learn tables to solve questions with a good speed.
  3. While preparing, learn short tricks to solve the questions quickly. It will enhance time management and you will never miss any question.
Acquire time management as it is the key factor to accomplish question paper effectively with flying colors. Develop the habit of studying daily for more than 3-4 hours.

Hope these tips will help you score high and you get the department of your choice. Scoring well to acquire a high rank is again a difficult task as it involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Some join SSC Coaching in Hyderabad or elsewhere but scoring high is in your hands to make the best strategy to study based on the above tips.
All the best!!!


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